Saturday, March 4, 2017

Why is Russia our enemy?

What kind of threat does Russia pose to the U.S.?

I read a PBS interview, "President-elect Trump has said he would like to improve relations with Russia. But his choice for defense secretary, Gen. James Mattis, views Russia as America’s number one threat. What’s the reality of the White House-Kremlin dynamic? Steve Inskeep discusses with Evelyn Farkas, a former Defense Department official, and Michael McFaul, former U.S. ambassador to Russia."

I received this link in response to a Facebook question I posed, "I am baffled by the constant refrain (meme) of Russia as America's vital enemy. Can anyone please list any proven action by Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union that actually harmed or threatened our nation or our people?"

In response I wrote: First, anyone who uses the term, Russia "invading Ukraine", is not to be trusted because this meme ignores the historical and geopolitical reality of the situation. Ukraine is far more complex than the good-guys in white hats, bad-guys in black hats scenario presented by these people in the Deep State and their media allies. Ukraine was undone by a US-sponsored coup by anti-Russian Neo-Nazis (very unpleasant people, the real guys in black hats) and oligarchs. The Kiev government is now busy undermining the life and welfare of the Ukrainian people while at the same time perpetuating the civil war (that they started by attacking the ethnic Russian population) by reneging on the Minsk Treaty.

When Kiev sent militia against Crimea (and NATO officials were salivating at the prospect of taking over Russia's Sebastopol base), the Russian soldiers at the base defended the Crimean people who had voted to secede from the illegitimate Kiev government and return to Russia, which they were a part of until Khrushchev 'gave' Crimea to Ukraine. Aiding the separatists in Eastern Ukraine is not an 'invasion' by Russia, but a natural response to encroachment by NATO (and it is very doubtful that Russia shot down any airlines).

Russian cyber warfare is problematic, but I have not seen much evidence of that, nor has anyone else, but the Russian 'hack' of the election seems to be confined to releasing emails to Wikileaks, and we have never seen any real evidence of that, either, just assertions and allegations. There is enough evidence of a 'leak' to make me dubious of official claims. Also, McFaul lies through his teeth saying that the US has not interfered in Russian elections.The key here is McFaul and others of the Deep State see Russia as a rival that will not submit to US hegemony, will not play by the Imperial rules, so Russia becomes our mortal enemy and Putin must go--precisely the line that Hillary took.

I recently read an article claiming that "If you were Russian, you would love Putin." This is because Putin undid much of the damage wrought by Yeltsin (aided by, guess who, the US) at the fall of the Soviet Union. This is perhaps Putin's singular sin and the reason our hegemons hate him so.

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