Saturday, October 17, 2015

Why I cannot vote for Hillary Clinton

Neoconservative and liberal interventionists such as Hilary Clinton have committed terrible acts causing untold suffering and damage in the years since WWII. The most egregious of these interventions that I know are Iran (1953), Guatemala (1954), Cuba (1959-2014), Chile (1973), Afghanistan (1978-79, 2001), Panama (1981-1989) Iraq (1991, 2003), Syria (1955-2011, 2015), Ukraine (2014-15) and surely many more that I am yet to learn of as these people are capable of anything.

This is a sad list, marked generally by American interests attempting to overwhelm local interests, often by destroying democratic movements, especially if the leaders were inclined towards socialism. These actions are justified by American exceptionalism and a kind of perverse idealism. The meme of (neocon or liberal) intervention, whether by military or covert forces, is rock-bound Washington. Hillary Clinton believes in this way, apparently, even though all of its fruits have been poison. I reject this perverse notion absolutely, and I hope that Bernie Sanders can, too.

Bernie has to come to deny American militarism and liberal interventionism. Nothing good and usually very bad has resulted from the meme that America has the right to intervene in other countries politics, up to and including 'regime change', invasion, and occupation. Look at Hillary's record here: her State Department's interventions in Syria, Libya, and Ukraine have caused almost as much damage as Bush's interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am sure that there is enough angst for Americans to join the Bernie revolution, yet the revolution will be much better if we can finally eschew the arrogance of power.